Please reach out if you feel your interests and skills align with our science!
Undergraduates: we are at capacity in 2024, but please reach out closer to the Spring 2025 semester. Note that a commitment of at least 15 hr per week, and at least two full semesters is expected. We cannot accommodate Senior students.
Masters' students: we can host MS students from all UTSA CoS programs - please reach out before you apply, or when you are admitted. Our lab is at capacity for 2024/25 cycle, but who knows - never hurts to ask.
PhD students: we are affiliated with Neuroscience and Developmental and Regenerative Sciences PhD programs at UTSA. Applications are handled by the department and University on a cycle, and contain a CV, Research statement, transcripts, and a few letters of rec. Feel free to reach out with any questions before you decide to apply, but note that we do not make admission decisions.
Postdocs and research associates: while we are not actively recruiting now, positions are available to exceptional candidates. Please email your CV and statement of interest, and we will take it from there.
Alexey A. Soshnev
(210) 458-7950 (lab)
Assistant Professor,
Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology
University of Texas at San Antonio
BSB 2.03.28
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249